Philosophy of CuCuman International Gender Org
CuCuman firmly believes in development initiatives planned and led by the people. CuCuman therefore, sees its role as a motivator posing alternatives before people, in which they can use their own energy for their own development.
CuCuman firmly believes that improving the women’s health and status are integral to social and economic development. Although CuCuman focuses its activities on women and the girl child, it also believes that attitudinal change must take place. This can only happen if an unfragmented holistic approach is adopted. CuCuman therefore dialogues and interacts with the whole community towards bringing about fundamental attitudinal change.
In the Beijing Declaration adopted in 1995 by the Fourth World Conference on Women, participating Governments expressed their commitment “to advance the goals of equality, development and peace for all women everywhere in the interest of humanity”. To assess whether these goals are being achieved, The World’s Women is produced by the United Nations every five years, as called for in the Beijing Platform for Action.